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Hi all, 

My name is Lisa Tighe-Sébire and I'm a dance teacher, independent dance artist and amateur baker from Dublin, Ireland. Coming from a long line of avid home bakers, the art has been passed down through the women in my family for generations, with the focus firmly on bringing family together around the table. My earliest and most precious memories of baking are sitting at the kitchen table with my mammy and brother chopping and drying the glacé cherries for the Christmas puddings. Our Christmas baking circle has expanded in the last few years to include my gorgeous sister-in-law Sam, my fabulous niece Alice who is now my apprentice cherry chopper and a darn good egg cracker too and my sweetheart of a nephew Jacob who, at three years old is our head supervisor. 

At home I bake for family and friends - deserts for dinner parties; birthday, Mothers' Day and every other day pressies; family get-togethers and any other excuse I can find. 

I'm always on the look out for new recipes and my current obsession are French Macarons! I love the precision and accuracy of baking, combined with the excitement of trying out new flavour combinations. My recipes all come from a variety of sources, from family secrets to lessons from friends and their parents, to my stash of cookbooks and internet searches. In this blog I'll be sharing some of my best/favorite bakes to date and all my latest kitchen adventures as they happen, sharing my sources (family secrets excluded!) and the frustrations that go along with failed bakes and always leaving things to the last minute and expecting to still get it done on time.

Come and join me if you like and I'm always happy to have feedback, comments and suggestions. 


See you in the kitchen,


Lisa x  


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